University Carlos III of Madrid

Founded in 1989, University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M) is a public university characterized by its strong international focus, the quality of its faculty, excellence in research, and commitment to society. Despite being a young university, its achievements have placed it among the top universities in Spain. UC3M was one of the top five Spanish universities selected in 2009 for the Spanish Campus of International Excellence program. In 2009, UC3M was the fourth Spanish University in participation in the EU Framework Programme. UC3M is listed in the QS World University ranking in position 280 universities in the world, in position 151-200 for Computer Science, and in position $20$ in the top $50$ universities under 50 years. UC3M is also listed in the top 200 Universities in Computer Science according to ARWU ranking.
The ARCOS research group is composed of three professors, six associate professors, and fifteen PhD students. Main research lines of the group include hardware and software systems in the areas of real-time and embedded systems and high-performance computing, with more focus on file systems for HPC, data-intensive computing, and programming models for HPC. The group members has strong experience in research and development in large-scale HPC systems and they keep a strong international cooperation. The group leader, Prof. Jesus Carretero, has a research and teaching experience of almost 30 years and he is senior member of IEEE. ARCOS research group has a strong activity in research projects. In the last 5 years, they have coordinated 7 EU projects and 5 national competitive projects. Last one is the project “Adaptive multi-tier intelligent data manager for Exascale” (ADMIRE), an EuroHPC project coordinated by: Jesus Carretero. The group has also a strong involvement in projects with companies. As a result of this cooperation, they have issued 4 software licenses.
ARCOS group is highly involved in high quality training in PhD programs, masters, and research projects. The PhD students are included in an excellence training plan, including research training, performance indicators for dissemination, and they are pushed to international cooperation, as shown below. As a result of this effort, we have assessed many international thesis in the last years, the PhD students of the group have got 4 IBM PhD Grants (competitive to world level) and the awards in 2018 and 2019 of the “Premios de Informática, en la modalidad jóvenes informáticos, de la Sociedad Científica Informática de España (SCIE) y la Fundación BBVA”, which recognizes the best young PhDs in Computer Science and Engineering in Spain, and several HPC Europe grants.
ARCOS group always had an active participation in conference organization. As an example, they organized EuroMPI 2013, CCGRID conference in Madrid in 2017 the cooperation in the organization of PDP 2021.
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Academic supporters

Awards support