Euro-Par 2024 | Javier Fernandez | International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Javier FernandezEuro-par

Javier Fernandez Muñoz (Finance Chair)

Javier Fernández is an Associate Professor of the Computer Science and Engineering Department at University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain. He has published more than 60 journal and conference papers, mainly related with HPC, parallel programming frameworks, and real time/embedded systems. He has participated in 26 publicly funded research projects and 14 technology transfer contracts, several with major companies in the aerospace field like EADS and GMV or in the railways field like RENFE or ADIF. He has been visiting researcher twice at the EPCC supercomputing center (Edinburgh, Great Britain; 2009, 2019) and also at the HLRS supercomputing center (Stuttgart, Germany; 2011).

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