25th Anniversary Brochure Poster Collection 1995-2018
brief historical overview Impressions of former Euro-Pars
Upcoming Events
31. Euro-Par 2025: Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany
Former Euro-Par Conferences
30. Euro-Par, 2024: University Carlos III, Madrid, Spain
29. Euro-Par, 2023: University of Cyprus, Limassol, Cyprus
28. Euro-Par, 2022: University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
27. Euro-Par, 2021: University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
26. Euro-Par, 2020: University of Warsaw and University of Krakow, Warsaw, Poland
25. Euro-Par, 2019: GWDG, Göttingen, Germany
24. Euro-Par, 2018: University of Turin, Turin, Italy
23. Euro-Par, 2017: University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
22.Euro-Par, 2016: Grenoble Institute of Technology, Grenoble, France
21. Euro-Par, 2015: Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
20. Euro-Par, 2014: University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
19. Euro-Par, 2013: German Research School for Simulation Sciences, Forschungszentrum Jülich and RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
18. Euro-Par, 2012: CTI, Rhodes, Greece (wikiCFP)
17. Euro-Par, 2011: LaBRI-INRIA, Bordeaux, France
16. Euro-Par, 2010: ICAR-CNR, Ischia, Italy (wikiCFP)
15. Euro-Par, 2009: Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
14. Euro-Par, 2008: University of Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain
13. Euro-Par, 2007: IRISA/ENS Cachan, Rennes, France
12. Euro-Par, 2006: Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany
11. Euro-Par, 2005: New University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
10. Euro-Par, 2004: University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
9. Euro-Par, 2003: University of Klagenfurt, Klagenfurt, Austria
8. Euro-Par, 2002: University of Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany
7. Euro-Par, 2001: University of Manchester / Manchester Visualization Centre, Manchester, UK
6. Euro-Par, 2000: Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany
5. Euro-Par, 1999: CERFACS / ENSEEIGHT-IRIT , Toulouse, France (CfP)
4. Euro-Par, 1998: University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
3. Euro-Par, 1997: University of Passau, Passau, Germany
2. Euro-Par, 1996: Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Lyon, France
1. Euro-Par, 1995: SICS and KTH
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