Program Committee
- Salvador Abreu, NOVA-LINCS / University of Evora
- Jose A. Belloch, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
- Cristiana Bentes, State University of Rio de Janeiro
- Ramon Bertran, IBM
- Vicente Blanco, La Laguna University
- Cristina Boeres, Universidade Federal Fluminense
- Jose Luis Bosque, Universidad de Cantabria
- Benjamin Brock, Intel Corporation
- Rocio Carratalá, Universitat Jaume I
- Gabriele Cavallaro, Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC)
- Alvaro Coutinho, High Performance Computing Center
- Pasqua D'Ambra, IAC-CNR
- Davor Davidovic, Rudjer Boskovic Institute
- Juan J. Durillo, Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ), Munich
- Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology
- Jesus Escudero-Sahuquillo, University of Castilla-La Mancha
- Maria Fazio, University of Messina
- Stefka Fidanova, Institute of Information and Communication Technologies
- Basilio B. Fraguela, Universidade da Coruña
- Pedro Javier Garcia, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
- Ester Martin Garzon, Almeria University
- Balazs Gerofi, RIKEN, Intel
- Philipp Gschwandtner, University of Innsbruck
- Nicolás Guil Mata, University of Málaga
- Ligang He, The University of Warwick
- Juan F. R. Herrera, The University of Edinburgh
- Fabienne Jezequel, LIP6, Sorbonne Université
- Vladislav Kashansky, Eteronix GmbH
- Rajkumar Kettimuthu, Argonne National Laboratory
- Dragi Kimovski, University of Klagenfurt
- Lu Liu, University of Leicester
- Juan Angel Lorenzo Del Castillo, ETIS laboratory, CY Tech (CY Cergy Paris University)
- Tze Meng Low, Carnegie Mellon University
- Fabrizio Marozzo, University of Calabria
- Xavier Martorell, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
- Lena Mashayekhy, University of Delaware
- Rafael Mayo, CIEMAT
- Sreeja S Nair, Ditto Live Inc
- Maria Pantoja, California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo
- Yiannis Papadopoulos, AMD
- Andrea Pietracaprina, University of Padova
- Amir Raoofy, Technical University of Munich
- Pedro Ribeiro, University of Porto
- Juan Antonio Rico Gallego, Foundation for Computing and Advanced Technologies of Extremadura
- Rocco Sedona, Forschungszentrum Jülich
- Natalia Seoane, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
- Jonas Thies, Delft University of Technology
- Paolo Trunfio, DEIS, University of Calabria
- Jessica Tseng, IBM
- Pedro Valero-Lara, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Flavio Vella, University of Trento
- Applications of numerical algorithms in science and engineering
- Domain-specific libraries and languages in parallel and distributed computing
- Application case-studies for benchmarking and comparative studies of parallel programming models
- Numerical methods for large-scale data analysis
- High-dimensional problems and reduction methods
- Implementation & analysis of parallel numerical algorithms
- Optimization and non-linear problems in parallel and distributed computing
- Parallel numerical linear algebra for dense and sparse matrices
- Partial/ordinary and differential algebraic equations in parallel and distributed computing
- Discrete and combinatorial parallel algorithms
- Parallel metaheuristics and hyperheuristics
- Innovative paradigms, programming models, languages, and libraries for parallel and distributed applications
- Parallel and distributed programming productivity, usability, and component-based parallel programming
- Tensor operations, low-rank approximations
- Data-centric parallel and distributed algorithms for exascale computing