Jesus Carretero (General Co-chair)

Jesus Carretero is a Full Professor of Computer Architecture and Technology at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain). He also serves as Coordinator of the Informatics area for the Spanish Research Agency since 2020. His research activity is centered on high-performance computing systems, large-scale distributed systems, data-intensive computing, IoT and real-time systems. He has participated and leaded several national and international research projects in these areas, and he is currently coordinating the EuroHPC project ADMIRE, “Adaptive multi-tier intelligent data manager for Exascale”, aiming towards ad-hoc malleable storage systems. Prof. Carretero is Associated Editor of the journals ACM Computer Surveys, Future Generation Computing Systems, and Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. He has published more than 300 papers in journals and international conferences, editor of several books of proceedings, and co-author of several textbooks related to Operating Systems and Computer Architecture. He has served as general chair of CCGRID 2017, IC3PP2016, or HPCC 2011, and Program Chair of ISPA 2012, EuroMPI 2013, and Applications track vice-chair of SC22.
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