Euro-Par 2024 | Marta Garcia-Gasulla | International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Marta Garcia-GasullaEuro-par

Marta Garcia-Gasulla (Homen in HPC Co-chair)

Marta Garcia-Gasulla is an activity leader at the Computer Science department of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), which she joined in 2006. She obtained her Ph.D. in Computer Architecture from Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC) in 2017 by developing the DLB library (Dynamic Load Balancing Library). Her research interest includes load balancing, parallel programming models, performance analysis, and optimization.

Currently, she co-leads the BSC's Best Practices for Performance and Productivity (BePPP) activity group. With BePPP, she aims to bridge the gap between scientific domain researchers and computer scientists researchers. Promoting best practices for programmers to productively (re)structure their codes in ways that can result in high efficiency and portability. They also capture the fundamental co-design input to be forwarded to the appropriate system software or architecture team to target their developments in the most helpful direction. This goal is materialized through collaborations with standardizing bodies, like the OpenMP language committee or European flagship projects like the European Processor Initiative and several European HPC Centers of Excellence. They also continue to maintain and develop the DLB library and research about load balancing, malleability, and dynamic resource management.

Marta is actively working on attracting talent to HPC, with a special focus on female talent. In particular, she has been advising a team of students for the ISC Student Cluster Competition (SCC) for more than four years, and she is one of the founders of the Spanish chapter of Women in HPC (WHPC MAR chapter).

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