Silvina Caino-Lores (Workshops Co-chair)
Silvina Caino-Lores is a Researcher at the French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation (Inria), Rennes. She obtained her PhD in Computer Science and Technology from Carlos III University of Madrid (Spain) in 2019. She earned her BSc and MSc in Computer Science and Technology from the same University in 2014 and 2015, respectively. Dr. Caino-Lores received IBM PhD Fellowship in 2016 and the Spanish Society for Computer Science (SCIE)-BBVA Foundation Young Researcher in Computer Science Award in 2020 for her work on convergence between HPC and Big Data analytics at the application and platform level. Her current research interests include data-centric approaches for interoperability of computing models across the computing spectrum, with a focus on scientific workflows.
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