Euro-Par 2024 | Panel | International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing PanelEuro-par

Latin America/Europe HPC Collaboration Panel

The history of scientific cooperation between Latin America (and the Caribbean) and Europe around parallelism and distribution systems is not recent. Still, it has proven very productive in many projects, from the oldest EELA and EELA-2 to the newest RICAP and RISC2.  Thanks to the achievements of these projects, and within the framework of the common digital agenda Europe-Latin America and the Caribbean (EU-LAC), researchers are organized to propose more ambitious and concrete scientific research projects. In this panel, taking into account precisely the capabilities and competencies of the actors on both sides of the Atlantic, a fundamental question will be mainly discussed: On what specific topics do you collaborate (within the framework of Europe's interests (parallelism and distribution, from infrastructure, even applications)?

Conducted by: Carlos J. Barrios Hernandez (SC3-UIS,Colombia/SCALAC)


  • Mateo Valero (BSC-CNS, Spain)
  • Jesus Carretero (UC3M, Spain)
  • Pascal Bovry (U. Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
  • Philippe Navaux (UFRGS, Brasil / SCALAC)

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